Can You Overcharge a Battery With Solar Panel? (Would a Solar Charge Controller Protect Solar Batteries From Overcharging?)

Contents: Can You Overcharge a Battery With Solar Panel? Will a Solar Panel Overcharge a 6V, 12V, 24V, or 48V Battery? What Happens if a Solar Battery Is Overcharged? How Do I Protect My Battery From Overcharging With Solar Panels? Protection: Solar Charge Controller Compatibility: Solar Panel & Battery Voltage Can You Leave a Solar … Read more

How Do You Connect a Solar Panel to a Deep Cycle Battery?

In this beginner’s guide, I’m going to show you the ultimate basics of how to connect a solar panel to a deep cycle battery. And when I say basics, I mean BASICS (more basic than those solar power for dummies books). There won’t be any fancy terms or anything over-complicated (no talk about battery chemistry, … Read more

What Does Ah on a Battery Mean?

If you’re only just beginning to learn about batteries, you don’t care about becoming a professional electrician, and you only want to know the bare-bone basics of the Ah on a battery label means, then you’re in the right place! Let’s look at a simple definition of this mysterious “Ah” in this easy-to-read post! What … Read more

Can a 12 Volt Solar Panel Charge a 24 Volt Battery?

One thing you need to keep in mind when designing your off-grid solar system is that your solar panel array needs to produce a voltage that is larger than your battery banks’ voltage. So you’ll need to connect your solar panels in a series to get a higher voltage. (If you don’t know what that … Read more

12 vs 24-Volt Solar System

Table of Contents: 12 and 24-Volt Solar Systems 12 or 24-Volt Solar System Cost of Copper Wires & Lugs Cost of the Solar Charge Controller Cost of Inverter Parallel vs Series Higher Efficiancy Solar Panel Array 12-Volt Appliances Charging With Your Vehicle’s Alternator Overview: 12 or 24-Volt Solar System 12 vs 24-Volt Solar System If … Read more

What Is the Difference Between Lithium-Ion and Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries?

If you’re only just beginning to learn about batteries and you only want to know the bare-bone basics of the difference between lithium-ion and lithium iron phosphate batteries, then you’re in the right place! Let’s look at the pros and cons of each in this easy-to-read post! Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries Pro: Lifespan/Cycle Life One … Read more

What Does “Nominal Voltage” of a Battery Mean?

The nominal voltage of a battery is the number of volts assigned to any particular battery. For example, a battery will typically be called something like a 6-volt battery, a 12-volt battery, a 24-volt battery, etc. Nominal is simply a number used to conveniently assign the rating of a piece of equipment (like a 12-volt … Read more

Do Lithium Batteries Work in Cold Weather?

Table of Contents: Lithium Batteris & Cold Weather Do Lithium Batteries Work in Cold Weather? Discharging a Lithium Battery in Cold Weather Recharging a Lithium Battery in Cold Weather Low-Temperature Disconnect Sensors Charging Rate & Cold Weather New Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries & Cold Weather Do Lithium Batteries Work in Cold Weather? When it comes … Read more

What Is Battery Capacity?

If you’re only just beginning to learn about batteries and you only want to know the bare-bone basics of what battery capacity means, then you’re in the right place! Let’s look at a simple definition of this mysterious “battery capacity” in this easy-to-read post! But before you can understand what battery capacity is, let’s look … Read more

What Does Battery Cycle Life Mean? (Easy, Simple Definition)

The battery’s cycle life is an important term used to describe deep-cycle batteries. One battery cycle involves discharging the battery by a certain amount and then recharging it to full the amount. The battery’s cycle life is the number of charges and discharges that a battery can complete before losing performance. What Affects the Battery’s … Read more

AGM vs Lithium Batteries for Solar

Both AGM and lithium batteries can be used for solar power systems, but which one is best, and in what circumstances? Let’s first look at their similarities, and then we’ll look at each to see where these 2 batteries shine. AGM vs Lithium Batteries: Similarities Great for Off-Grid Power Systems Both AGM (absorbent glass mat) … Read more

How Low Can You Discharge a Deep Cycle Battery?

One common question concerning deep cycle batteries is how low can they be safely discharged. If you keep over-discharging a battery more than what it’s rated for, you can cause it to have a lower cycle life. Cycle Life The battery’s cycle life is an important term used to describe deep-cycle batteries. One battery cycle … Read more

How Many Watt-Hours in a Deep Cycle Battery?

If you’re only just beginning to learn about batteries, you don’t care about becoming a professional electrician, and you only want to know the bare-bone basics of how many watt-hours are in a deep cycle battery, then you’re in the right place! How Many Watt-Hours in a Deep Cycle Battery? First off, you’re going to … Read more

Can a Solar Panel Charge a Deep Cycle Battery?

Deep cycle batteries may look a lot like car batteries, but they’re quite different. Deep cycle means that the batteries have the ability to be fully charged and discharged. A deep cycle battery is very useful for situations where you need a continuous source of electricity to power things like lights, computers, and household appliances. But … Read more

What Is the Best Deep Cycle Battery for Solar?

Deep cycle batteries are great for solar charging because you can discharge and recharge them much more than a standard vehicle battery. When learning how to build your own off-grid solar system, you’ll often be recommended 1 of 2 types of deep cycle batteries: AGM sealed lead-acid batteries lithium batteries Both AGM and lithium batteries … Read more

What’s a Deep Cycle Battery? (Easy, Simple Definition)

What’s a Deep Cycle Battery? Deep cycle batteries may look a lot like car batteries, but they’re quite different. Deep cycle means that the batteries have the ability to be fully charged and discharged. A deep cycle battery is very useful for situations where you need a continuous source of electricity to power things like lights, … Read more

Wiring in Parallel vs Series

While learning about solar panel systems, you’ll often hear the terms series and parallel when it comes to wiring batteries or solar panels together. Let’s look at both parallel and series connections separately. Parallel If you connect batteries or solar panels in parallel, it means that you connect all the positives together and all the … Read more